\title{modifyWeights} \name{modifyWeights} \alias{modifyWeights} \description{ Modify weights matrix for given gene status values. } \usage{ modifyWeights(weights=rep(1,length(status)), status, values, multipliers) } \arguments{ \item{weights}{numeric matrix of relative weights, rows corresponding to genes and columns to arrays} \item{status}{character vector giving the control status of each spot on the array, of same length as the number of rows of \code{weights}} \item{values}{character vector giving subset of the unique values of \code{status}} \item{multipliers}{numeric vector of same length as \code{values} giving factor by which weights will be modified} } \details{ The function is usually used to temporarily modify the weights matrix during normalization of data. The function can be used for example to give zero weight to spike-in ratio control spots during normalization. } \value{ Numeric matrix of same dimensions as \code{weights} with rows corresponding to \code{values} in \code{status} modified by the specified multipliers. } \author{Gordon Smyth} \examples{ w <- matrix(runif(6*3),6,3) status <- c("Gene","Gene","Ratio_Control","Ratio_Control","Gene","Gene") modifyWeights(w,status,values="Ratio_Control",multipliers=0) } \seealso{ An overview of normalization functions available in LIMMA is given in \link{05.Normalization}. } \keyword{hplot}