\name{getSpacing} \alias{getSpacing} \title{Get Numerical Spacing} \description{ Convert character to numerical spacing measure for within-array replicate spots. } \usage{ getSpacing(spacing, layout) } \arguments{ \item{spacing}{character string or integer. Acceptable character strings are \code{"columns"}, \code{"rows"}, \code{"subarrays"} or \code{"topbottom"}. Integer values are simply passed through.} \item{layout}{list containing printer layout information} } \details{ \code{"rows"} means that duplicate spots are printed side-by-side by rows. These will be recorded in consecutive rows in the data object. \code{"columns"} means that duplicate spots are printed side-by-sidy by columns. These will be separated in the data object by \code{layout$nspot.r} rows. \code{"subarrays"} means that a number of sub-arrays, with identical probes in the same arrangement, are printed on each array. The spacing therefore will be the size of a sub-array. \code{"topbottom"} is the same as \code{"subarrays"} when there are two sub-arrays. } \value{ Integer giving spacing between replicate spots in the gene list. } \author{Gordon Smyth} \seealso{ An overview of LIMMA functions for reading data is given in \link{03.ReadingData}. } \examples{ getSpacing("columns",list(ngrid.r=2,ngrid.c=2,nspot.r=20,nspot.c=19)) getSpacing("rows",list(ngrid.r=2,ngrid.c=2,nspot.r=20,nspot.c=19)) getSpacing("topbottom",list(ngrid.r=2,ngrid.c=2,nspot.r=20,nspot.c=19)) } \keyword{IO}