\name{getEAWP} \alias{getEAWP} \title{Extract Basic Data from Microarray Data Objects} \description{ Given a microarray data object of any known class, get the expression values, weights, probe annotation and A-values, which are needed for linear modelling. This function is called by the linear modelling functions in LIMMA. } \usage{ getEAWP(object) } \arguments{ \item{object}{a microarray data object. An object of class \code{list}, \code{MAList}, \code{marrayNorm}, \code{PLMset}, \code{vsn}, or any class inheriting from \code{ExpressionSet}, or any object that can be coerced to a numeric matrix.} } \details{ In the case of two-color objects, the \code{Amean} is computed from the matrix of A-values. For single-channel objects, \code{Amean} is computed from the matrix of expression vales. \code{PLMset}, \code{vsn} and \code{ExpressionSet} are assumed to be single-channel for this purpose. If \code{object} is a matrix, it is assumed to contain log-intensities if the values are all positive and log-ratios otherwise. \code{Amean} is computed in the former case but not the latter. } \value{ A list with components \item{exprs}{numeric matrix of log-ratios or log-intensities} \item{weights}{numeric matrix of weights} \item{probes}{data.frame of probe-annotation} \item{Amean}{numeric vector of average log-expression for each probe} } \author{Gordon Smyth} \seealso{ \link{02.Classes} gives an overview of data classes used in LIMMA. } \keyword{array}