\name{auROC} \alias{auROC} \title{Area Under Receiver Operating Curve} \description{ Compute exact area under the ROC for empirical data. } \usage{ auROC(truth, stat) } \arguments{ \item{truth}{numeric vector of 0 and 1 indicating whether the null or alternative respectively is true for each case. If \code{stat} is missing then \code{truth} is assuming to be already sorted in decreasing test statistic order.} \item{stat}{numeric vector containing test statistics. Hypotheses are to be rejected if \code{stat} exceeds a given threshold.} } \details{ This function computes the exact area under an empirical ROC curve. The number of true and false discoveries are determined by how well the true states represented by \code{truth} match up with the observed statistics given by \code{stat}. } \value{ Numeric vector giving area under the curve, 1 being perfect and 0 being the minimum, or \code{NULL} if \code{truth} has zero length. } \seealso{ See \link{08.Tests} for other functions for testing and processing p-values. See also \code{\link[ROC]{AUC}} in the \code{ROC} package. } \examples{ auROC(c(1,1,0,0,0)) truth <- rbinom(30,size=1,prob=0.2) stat <- rchisq(30,df=2) auROC(truth,stat) } \author{Gordon Smyth} \keyword{htest}