\name{TestResults-class} \docType{class} \alias{TestResults-class} \alias{show,TestResults-method} \alias{summary.TestResults} \title{Matrix of Test Results - class} \description{ A matrix-based class for storing the results of simultanous tests. \code{TestResults} objects are normally created by \code{\link{classifyTestsF}}, \code{\link{classifyTestsT}} or \code{\link{classifyTestsP}}. } \usage{ \S3method{summary}{TestResults}(object, ...) } \arguments{ \item{object}{object of class \code{TestResults}} \item{\dots}{other arguments are not used} } \section{Slots/List Components}{ \code{TestResults} objects can be created by \code{new("TestResults",results)} where \code{results} is a matrix. Objects of this class contain no slots (other than \code{.Data}), although the attributes \code{dim} and \code{dimnames} may be treated as slots. } \section{Methods}{ This class inherits directly from class \code{matrix} so any operation appropriate for matrices will work on objects of this class. \code{\link[methods]{show}} and \code{summary} methods are also implemented. Functions in LIMMA which operate on \code{TestResults} objects include \code{\link{heatDiagram}}, \code{\link{vennCounts}}, \code{\link{vennDiagram}}, \code{\link{write.fit}}. } \author{Gordon Smyth} \seealso{ \link{02.Classes} gives an overview of all the classes defined by this package. \link{08.Tests} gives an overview of multiple testing. } \examples{\dontrun{ # Assume a data object MA and a design matrix fit <- lmFit(MA, design) fit <- eBayes(fit) results <- decideTests(fit) summary(results) }} \keyword{classes} \keyword{htest}