\name{laptopTable} \alias{laptopTable} \title{Table of Top Genes from Laplace Linear Model Fit} \description{Extract a table of the top-ranked genes from a Laplace mixture model fit.} \usage{laptopTable(res, number=res$med.number, sort.by='L')} \arguments{ \item{res}{the output from the \code{lapmix.Fit} routine} \item{number}{how many genes to pick out; if missing: number is determined by the median rule} \item{sort.by}{character string specifying statistic to sort the selected genes by in the output data.frame.} } \value{ A dataframe with a row for the \code{number} top genes and the following columns: \item{M}{average log fold change} \item{log.odds}{log posterior odds that the gene is differentially expressed} } \details{ This function summarizes a Laplace mixture model fit object produced by \code{lapmix.Fit} by selecting the top-ranked genes according to the posterior log-odds or M-values. The \code{sort.by} argument specifies the criterion used to select the top genes. Only two choices at the moment: \code{"M"} to sort by the (absolute) coefficient representing the log-fold-change, and \code{"L"} to sort by the posterior odds of differential expression under the Laplace mixture model. } \author{Yann Ruffieux} \examples{ # See lapmix.Fit example } \keyword{htest}