\name{lap.volcanoplot} \alias{lap.volcanoplot} \title{Laplace Volcano Plot} \description{Creates a volcano plot of log-fold changes versus log-odds of differential expression under the Laplace mixture model. } \usage{lap.volcanoplot(res, highlight=0, ...)} \arguments{ \item{res}{the output from the \code{lapmix.Fit} routine} \item{highlight}{number of genes to be highlighted; genes are highlighted in descending order of their posterior odds} \item{...}{additional arguments given to the plot function} } \value{A plot is created on the current graphics device.} \details{A volcano plot is any plot which displays fold changes versus a measure of statistical significance of the change.} \author{Yann Ruffieux} \examples{ # See lapmix.Fit example } \keyword{hplot}