\name{getKOprobes} \alias{getKOprobes} \alias{getKOtags} \title{obtain probe set IDs associated with a KO term } \description{obtain probe set IDs associated with a KO term } \usage{ getKOprobes(str, useAcc=TRUE, plat="hgu95av2", na.action=na.omit) } \arguments{ \item{str}{ string giving a KEGG orthology term} \item{useAcc}{ logical -- use all accessible terms?} \item{plat}{ platform corresponding to a bioconductor annotation package, e.g., hgu95av2.db} \item{na.action}{function for dealing with NA} } \details{ looks up the requested term and gives back the unique probe set ids on the platform } \value{ character vector, typically processed by \code{na.omit} } %\references{ } \author{Vince Carey } %\note{ } %\seealso{ } \examples{ getKOtags("insulin") es = acc(KOgraph, "Endocrine System") nm = names(es[[1]]) nm esp = lapply(nm, getKOprobes) names(esp) = nm sapply(esp, length) } \keyword{ models }