\name{idiograb} \alias{idiograb} \title{ idiograb } \description{ \code{idiograb} reads the position of the graphics pointer when the (first) mouse button is pressed. \code{idiogram} also reads a \emph{second} position of the graphics pointer after another mouse button press. The two points selected are used to define a diagonal line from which a bounding box will be constructed. It then retrieves the gene identifiers of the points that lie within the bounding box. } \usage{ idiograb(idio, show.box = TRUE, brush = NULL, ...) } \arguments{ \item{idio}{ point coordinates and cooresponding gene identifiers from an \code{idiogram} function call} \item{show.box}{ boolean. if TRUE, a box is drawn showing the selected region} \item{brush}{ a color to highlight the points within the selected region} \item{\dots}{ additional plotting paramters passed to \code{points} to modify the points within the selected region} } \details{ Coordinates can be passed in a plotting structure (a list with \code{x}, \code{y}, and \code{labels} components). Typically this is generated from a call to \code{idiogram}. The points selected are used to define the top-left and bottom-right locations \emph{or} the bottom-left and top-right locations for bounding box. These locations can be selected in any order. A character vector of the labels of all the points that lie within the selected region is returned. } \value{ A character vector of gene identifiers } \author{ Karl Dykema } \seealso{ \code{\link{idiogram}} } \examples{ data(idiogramExample) ip <- idiogram(colo.eset[,1],ucsf.chr,chr="1") if(interactive()) idiograb(ip,brush="red") } \keyword{ iplot }