\name{compSummary} \alias{compSummary} \title{This function returns a brief summary of the comparison between two (expanded) profiles.} \description{ Function to return a brief summary of the comparison between two (expanded) profiles.} \usage{ compSummary(l, decs = 6) } \arguments{ \item{l}{A list of comparison results as returned by a call to \texttt{compareGenelists}} \item{decs}{Number of decimal places to use in the output} } \value{ A data frame with the summarized results of each comparison. The values contained are: \texttt{Sqr.Eucl.Dist}: The squared euclidean distance, \texttt{Standard Err}: The standard error estimate, \texttt{pValue} p value of the test, \texttt{low conf.int}Lower value for the desired confidence interval, \texttt{up conf.int}Upper value for the desired condfidence interval. } \author{Alex Sanchez} \examples{ data(sampleProfiles) comparedMF <-compareGOProfiles (pn=expandedWelsh01[['MF']], qm = expandedSingh01[['MF']], pqn0= commonExpandedWelsh01Singh01[['MF']]) print(comparedMF) print(compSummary(comparedMF)) } \keyword{htest}