\name{CD4Ids} \alias{CD4LLids} \alias{CD4GOTermsFrame} \alias{CD4GOTermsList} \docType{data} \title{Entrez identifiers for CD4-TCells example} \description{This dataset contains the entrez identifiers \texttt{CD4EntrezIds} and their associated GO Terms \texttt{CD4GOTermsFrame} and \texttt{CD4GOTermsList} corresponding to the list of differentially expressed genes in a study by Henkel et al.} \usage{data(CD4Ids)} \source{ Hengel, R.L. and Thaker, V. and Pavlick, M.V. and Metcalf, J.A. and Dennis, G. Jr. and Yang, J. and Lempicki, R.A. and Sereti, I. and Lane, H.C. (2003). L-selectin (CD62L) expression distinguishes small resting memory CD4+ T cells that preferentially respond to recall antigen. J. Immunol., 170, 28-32. (2003)} \examples{ data(CD4Ids) } \keyword{datasets}