\name{GOstructure} \alias{GOstructure} \alias{GOstructure-class} \alias{length,GOstructure-method} \alias{genesets} \alias{genesets,GOstructure-method} \alias{show,GOstructure-method} \title{Class "GOstructure" to serve as input for the function gtGO} \description{The class \code{GOstructure} stores the Gene Ontology information that can be used by the \code{\link{gtGO}} function to find a GO subgraph significantly associated with a response variable. Objects of type \code{GOstructure} are typically made with a call to \code{\link{makeGOstructure}}.} \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{ids}:}{Object of class "character". Vector of GO identifiers.} \item{\code{offspring}:}{A named list of vectors of GO identifiers. Lists all offspring terms of each term.} \item{\code{ancestors}:}{A named list of vectors of GO identifiers. Lists all ancestor terms of each term.} \item{\code{genesets}:}{A named list of vectors of gene identifiers. Lists the genes annotated to each GO id.} } } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{show}{(GOstructure): Summarizes the object.} \item{length}{(GOstructure): Gives the number of GO ids in the object.} \item{genesets}{(GOstructure): Extracts the genesets slot.} } } \author{Jelle Goeman: \email{j.j.goeman@lumc.nl}; Jan Oosting} \seealso{\code{\link{gtGO}}, \code{\link{makeGOstructure}}.} \keyword{methods}