\name{ttest} \alias{ttest} \title{A filter function for a t.test } \description{ \code{ttest} returns a function of one argument with bindings for \code{cov} and \code{p}. The function, when evaluated, performs a t-test using \code{cov} as the covariate. It returns \code{TRUE} if the p value for a difference in means is less than \code{p}. } \usage{ ttest(m, p=0.05, na.rm=TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{m}{If \code{m} is of length one then it is assumed that elements one through \code{m} of \code{x} will be one group. Otherwise \code{m} is presumed to be the same length as \code{x} and constitutes the groups.} \item{p}{ The p-value for the test. } \item{na.rm}{If set to \code{TRUE} any \code{NA}'s will be removed. } } \details{ When the data can be split into two groups (diseased and normal for example) then we often want to select genes on their ability to distinguish those two groups. The t-test is well suited to this and can be used as a filter function. This helper function creates a t-test (function) for the specified covariate and considers a gene to have passed the filter if the p-value for the gene is less than the prespecified \code{p}. } \value{ \code{ttest} returns a function with bindings for \code{m} and \code{p} that will perform a t-test. } \author{R. Gentleman } \seealso{\code{\link{kOverA}}, \code{\link{Anova}}, \code{\link{t.test}} } \examples{ dat <- c(rep(1,5),rep(2,5)) set.seed(5) y <- rnorm(10) af <- ttest(dat, .01) af(y) af2 <- ttest(5, .01) af2(y) y[8] <- NA af(y) af2(y) y[1:5] <- y[1:5]+10 af(y) } \keyword{manip}