\name{pOverA} \alias{pOverA} \title{A filter function to filter according to the proportion of elements larger than A. } \description{ A function that returns a function with values for \code{A}, \code{p} and \code{na.rm} bound to the specified values. The function takes a single vector, \code{x}, as an argument. When the returned function is evaluated it returns \code{TRUE} if the proportion of values in \code{x} that are larger than \code{A} is at least \code{p}. } \usage{ pOverA(p=0.05, A=100, na.rm=TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{A}{The value to be exceeded. } \item{p}{The proportion that need to exceed \code{A} for \code{TRUE} to be returned. } \item{na.rm}{ If \code{TRUE} then \code{NA}'s are removed. } } \value{ \code{pOverA} returns a function with bindings for \code{A}, \code{p} and \code{na.rm}. This function evaluates to \code{TRUE} if the proportion of values in \code{x} that are larger than \code{A} exceeds \code{p}. } \author{R. Gentleman} \seealso{ \code{\link{cv}} } \examples{ ff<- pOverA(p=.1, 10) ff(1:20) ff(1:5) } \keyword{manip}