\name{broadcast} \alias{broadcast} \title{Broadcast Data to the Gaggle} \description{Broadcast a list of names, a matrix, a network, an associative array (an R environment) or a \code{cluster} to the \code{currentTargetGoose}. A \code{cluster} is simply two lists of names, typically a list of matrix row names, and a list of column names, which together identify a cluster of genes which behave coherently in the specified conditions.} \usage{broadcast (x, name='from R')} \arguments{ \item{x}{list of names, matrix, network, environment, cluster.} \item{name}{any string, especially useful for identifying matrices or environments broadcast to other geese.} } \value{Returns NULL.} \seealso{ \code{\link{geese}}. \code{\link{setTargetGoose}}. \code{\link{getTargetGoose}}. } \keyword{interface}