\name{hexbin} \alias{hexbin} \title{ Fast hexagon binning. } \description{ Yet another hexagon binning routine - this one adapted from the scagnostics package. This is very preliminary and may not be retained. } \usage{ hexbin(x, y, bins = 50) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ x values } \item{y}{ y values } \item{bins}{ The approximate number of bins, in the x direction. } } \details{ This implementation maps x and y to the unit square and does the binning in that region. } \value{ A list, with componentes \code{counts}, \code{xbin} and \code{ybin}. } \references{ The scagnostics package.} \examples{ x = runif(100) y = runif(100) hb = hexbin(x,y) }