\name{qaProcess.cellnumber} \alias{qaProcess.cellnumber} \title{ Create QA process of type 'cellnumber' } \description{ This function takes a \code{\link[flowCore]{flowSet}} as input and creates all necessary output for a 'cellnumber' type QA process. Objects created by this function can be laid out as HTML using \code{\link{writeQAReport}}. } \usage{ qaProcess.cellnumber(set, grouping=NULL, outdir, cFactor=0.5, name="cell number", sum.dimensions=c(7,7), \dots) } \arguments{ \item{set}{ A \code{\link[flowCore]{flowSet}} } \item{grouping}{ A character vector defining one of the variables in the phenoData of \code{set} used as a grouping variable. If this argument is uses, comparisons will be made within groups rather than across all samples. } \item{outdir}{ The directory to which the graphical output is to be saved. If multiple QA processes are to be combined, make sure to use the same directory every time. } \item{cFactor}{ The threshold at which the QA process is considered to be failed. The factor of standard deviations away from the average number of cells per sample } \item{name}{The name of the process used for the headings in the HTML output} \item{sum.dimensions}{The pdf dimensions used for the summary. } \item{\dots}{Further arguments.} } \details{ QA processes of type 'cellnumber' detect aberations in the number of cells analyzed per frame. For more details on how to layout \code{\link{qaProcess}} objects to HTML, see \code{\link{writeQAReport}} and \code{\link{qaReport}}. } \value{ An object of class \code{\link{qaProcess}}. } \author{ Florian Hahne } \seealso{ \code{\link{writeQAReport}}, \code{\link{qaReport}}, \code{\link{qaProcess}}, \code{\link{qaProcess.marginevents}}, \code{\link{qaProcess.timeflow}}, \code{\link{qaProcess.timeline}} } \examples{ \dontrun{ data(GvHD) dest <- tempdir() qp <- qaProcess.cellnumber(GvHD, outdir=dest, cFactor=1) qp } } \keyword{ dynamic }