\name{rituximab} \docType{data} \alias{rituximab} \title{The Rituximab Dataset} \description{ A flow cytometry dataset produced in a drug-screening project to identify agents that would enhance the anti-lymphoma activity of Rituximab, a therapeutic monoclonal antibody. Cells were stained with anti-BrdU FITC and the DNA binding dye 7-AAD. } \usage{data(rituximab)} \format{ An object of class \code{flowFrame} with 1545 cells (rows) and the following eight variables (columns): \item{FSC.H}{FSC-Height} \item{SSC.H}{Side Scatter} \item{FL1.H}{Anti-BrdU FITC} \item{FL2.H}{Channel not used} \item{FL3.H}{7 AAD} \item{FL1.A}{Channel not used} \item{FL1.W}{Channel not used} \item{Time}{Time} } \source{ Gasparetto, M., Gentry, T., Sebti, S., O'Bryan, E., Nimmanapalli, R., Blaskovich, M. A., Bhalla, K., Rizzieri, D., Haaland, P., Dunne, J. and Smith, C. (2004) Identification of compounds that enhance the anti-lymphoma activity of rituximab using flow cytometric high-content screening. \emph{J. Immunol. Methods} \bold{292}, 59-71. } \keyword{datasets}