\name{plot,flowDens-method} \docType{methods} \alias{plot,flowDens,missing-method} \alias{plot,flowDens-method} \alias{plot.flowDens} \title{Contour or Image Plot of Clustering Results} \description{ This method makes use of the \code{flowDens} object returned by \code{\link[=density.flowClust]{density}} to generate a contour or image plot. } \usage{ \S4method{plot}{flowDens}(x, type=c("contour", "image"), nlevels=30, scale=c("raw", "log", "sqrt"), color=c("rainbow", "heat.colors", "terrain.colors", "topo.colors", "cm.colors", "gray"), xlab=colnames(x@dx), ylab=colnames(x@dy), \dots) } \arguments{ \item{x}{The \code{flowDens} object returned from \code{\link[=density.flowClust]{density}}.} \item{type}{Either \code{"contour"} or \code{"image"} to specify the type of plot desired.} \item{nlevels}{An integer to specify the number of contour levels or colors shown in the plot.} \item{scale}{If \code{"log"}, the logarithm of the density values will be used to generate the plot; similar interpretation holds for \code{"sqrt"}. The use of a \code{log} or \code{sqrt} elicits more information about low density regions.} \item{color}{A string containing the name of the function used to generate the desired list of colors.} \item{xlab, ylab}{Labels for the \eqn{x}- and \eqn{y}-axes respectively.} \item{\dots}{Other arguments to be passed to \code{contour} or \code{image}, for example, \code{drawlabels} and \code{add}. Once an image plot is generated, users may impose a contour plot on it by calling this function with an additional argument \code{add=TRUE}.} } \author{ Raphael Gottardo <\email{raph@stat.ubc.ca}>, Kenneth Lo <\email{c.lo@stat.ubc.ca}> } \references{ Lo, K., Brinkman, R. R. and Gottardo, R. (2008) Automated Gating of Flow Cytometry Data via Robust Model-based Clustering. \emph{Cytometry A} \bold{73}, 321-332. } \seealso{ \code{\link{flowClust}}, \code{\link[=density.flowClust]{density}} } % \examples{ % % } \keyword{graphs}