\name{plot,flowClust-method} \docType{methods} \alias{plot,flowClust,missing-method} \alias{plot,flowClustList,missing-method} \alias{plot,flowClust-method} \alias{plot.flowClust} \title{Scatterplot of Clustering Results} \description{ This method generates scatterplot revealing the cluster assignment, cluster boundaries according to the specified percentile as well as supplemental information like outliers or filtered observations. } \usage{ \S4method{plot}{flowClust}(x, data, subset=c(1,2), ellipse=TRUE, show.outliers=TRUE, show.rm=FALSE, include=1:(x@K), main=NULL, grayscale=FALSE, col=(if (grayscale) gray(1/4) else 2:(length(include)+1)), pch=".", cex=0.6, col.outliers=gray(3/4), pch.outliers=".", cex.outliers=cex, col.rm=1, pch.rm=1, cex.rm=0.6, ecol=1, elty=1, level=NULL, u.cutoff=NULL, z.cutoff=NULL, npoints=501, add=FALSE, \dots) } \arguments{ \item{x}{Object returned from \code{\link{flowClust}}.} \item{data}{A matrix, data frame of observations, or object of class \code{flowFrame}. This is the object on which \code{flowClust} was performed.} \item{subset}{A numeric vector of length two indicating which two variables are selected for the scatterplot. Alternatively, a character vector containing the names of the two variables is allowed if \code{x@varNames} is not \code{NULL}.} \item{ellipse}{A logical value indicating whether the cluster boundary is to be drawn or not. If \code{TRUE}, the boundary will be drawn according to the level specified by \code{level} or \code{cutoff}.} \item{show.outliers}{A logical value indicating whether outliers will be explicitly shown or not.} \item{show.rm}{A logical value indicating whether filtered observations will be shown or not.} \item{include}{A numeric vector specifying which clusters will be shown on the plot. By default, all clusters are included.} \item{main}{Title of the plot.} \item{grayscale}{A logical value specifying if a grayscale plot is desired. This argument takes effect only if the default values of relevant graphical arguments are taken.} \item{col}{Color(s) of the plotting characters. May specify a different color for each cluster.} \item{pch}{Plotting character(s) of the plotting characters. May specify a different character for each cluster.} \item{cex}{Size of the plotting characters. May specify a different size for each cluster.} \item{col.outliers}{Color of the plotting characters denoting outliers.} \item{pch.outliers}{Plotting character(s) used to denote outliers. May specify a different character for each cluster.} \item{cex.outliers}{Size of the plotting characters used to denote outliers. May specify a different size for each cluster.} \item{col.rm}{Color of the plotting characters denoting filtered observations.} \item{pch.rm}{Plotting character used to denote filtered observations.} \item{cex.rm}{Size of the plotting character used to denote filtered observations.} \item{ecol}{Color(s) of the lines representing the cluster boundaries. May specify a different color for each cluster.} \item{elty}{Line type(s) drawing the cluster boundaries. May specify a different line type for each cluster.} \item{level, u.cutoff, z.cutoff}{These three optional arguments specify the rule used to identify outliers. By default, all of them are left unspecified, meaning that the rule stated in \code{x@ruleOutliers} will be taken. Otherwise, these arguments will be passed to \code{\link{ruleOutliers}}.} \item{npoints}{The number of points used to draw each cluster boundary.} \item{add}{A logical value. If \code{TRUE}, add to the current plot.} \item{\dots}{Further graphical parameters passed to the generic function \code{plot}.} } \note{ The cluster boundaries need not be elliptical since Box-Cox transformation has been performed. } \author{ Raphael Gottardo <\email{raph@stat.ubc.ca}>, Kenneth Lo <\email{c.lo@stat.ubc.ca}> } \references{ Lo, K., Brinkman, R. R. and Gottardo, R. (2008) Automated Gating of Flow Cytometry Data via Robust Model-based Clustering. \emph{Cytometry A} \bold{73}, 321-332. } \seealso{ \code{\link{flowClust}} } \examples{ res <- flowClust(iris[,1:4], K=3) plot(res, data=iris, subset=c("Sepal.Width", "Petal.Width"), pch=1, pch.outlier=2) plot(res, data=iris, subset=c(2,4), ellipse=FALSE, show.outlier=FALSE, pch=1) plot(res, data=iris, subset=c("Petal.Length", "Petal.Width"), include=c(2,3), pch=1, pch.outlier=1) plot(res, data=iris, subset=c("Petal.Length", "Petal.Width"), include=c(2,3), grayscale=TRUE, pch=1, pch.outlier=1, level=0.8) } \keyword{graphs}