\name{explorase} \alias{explorase} \title{Start exploRase} \description{The main function of exploRase, normally invoked without arguments, unless one already has data/metadata in the R session to load.} \usage{ explorase(exp_data = NULL, entity_info = NULL, design_info = NULL, type = "gene", network = NULL, entity_lists = NULL, gobi = ggobi_get(), quit_on_exit = F) } \arguments{ \item{exp_data}{Experimental data to load} \item{entity_info}{Entity metadata to load} \item{design_info}{Experimental design information to load} \item{type}{The entity type of the data being loaded} \item{network}{A Bioconductor "graph" to load (not yet implemented)} \item{entity_lists}{A list of entity lists to load} \item{gobi}{The GGobi session to use} \item{quit_on_exit}{Whether R should quit when exploRase is exited} } \keyword{dynamic} \author{Michael Lawrence}