\name{bioc_integration} \alias{exp_expressionSet} \alias{exp_featureData} \alias{exp_loadExpressionSet} \alias{exp_phenoData} \title{ ExpressionSet Integration } \description{ Functions loading and retrieving Bioconductor ExpressionSet objects to and from exploRase. } \usage{ exp_loadExpressionSet(exprset, type = exp_entityType()) exp_phenoData(type = exp_entityType()) exp_featureData(type = exp_entityType()) exp_expressionSet(type = exp_entityType()) } \arguments{ \item{exprset} { The \code{ExpressionSet} to load. } \item{type}{ The type of the biological entity (e.g. gene). } } \details{ To load a \code{ExpressionSet} instance into exploRase, call \code{exp_loadExpressionSet}. The function \code{exp_expressionSet} retrieves the \code{ExpressionSet} representing the data stored in exploRase for the given entity type. \code{exp_phenoData} and \code{exp_featureData} retrieve only the \code{phenoData} and \code{featureData} components, respectively. } \value{ For \code{exp_expressionSet}, an \code{ExpressionSet}. For \code{exp_phenoData}, an \code{AnnotatedDataFrame} representing the phenotype data (i.e. experimental design, see \code{\link{exp_designFrame}}). For \code{exp_featureData}, an \code{AnnotatedDataFrame} representing the feature annotations (i.e. the entity info, see \code{\link{exp_entityFrame}}). } \author{ Michael Lawrence } \seealso{ \code{\link{explorase}} for loading data and starting exploRase in one call. \code{exp_designFrame}, \code{exp_entityFrame}, \code{exp_dataset}, etc for retrieving data from exploRase. } \examples{ } \keyword{ manip }