\name{exp_loadData} \alias{exp_loadData} \title{Load experimental data} \author{Michael Lawrence } \description{ Load experimental data of a specified type into exploRase (and GGobi). } \usage{exp_loadData(exp_data, data_name = "expression", ent_type = "gene", sync = FALSE, add_to_design = !nrow(exp_designFrame(ent_type)))} \arguments{ \item{exp_data}{a data frame containing experimental data, with observations as rows and conditions as columns.} \item{data_name}{name of the dataset in GGobi} \item{ent_type}{the entity type ("gene", "met", ...) of the data} \item{sync}{whether to synchronize the other data models with the experimental data. If \code{sync} is \code{TRUE}, the entity information and experimental design tables will be limited to the observations and conditions, respectively, in the experimental data. This is experimental.} \item{add_to_design}{whether to add the columns in the dataset as conditions in the experimental design, if they are not there already} } \details{Organizes experimental data, loads it into GGobi and synchronizes it with other data (design and entity info)} \examples{} \keyword{manip}