\name{readDGE} \alias{readDGE} \title{Read a list of files containing DGE data} \description{Reads a list of text files, one for each sample. Files should be tab-delimited with an identifier (could be tag sequence) as the first column and counts as the second column. The function creates one big table with 0s where necessary.} \usage{ readDGE(files,...) } \arguments{ \item{files}{character vector of filenames} \item{...}{option arguments to send to \code{read.table}} } \value{ list with elements \code{data} (table of counts), \code{lib.size} (library sizes)} \author{Mark Robinson} \examples{ # Read all .txt files from current working directory \dontrun{files <- dir(pattern="*\\\\.txt$") RG <- readDGE(files,sep="\t",header=TRUE,comment.char="",stringsAsFactors=FALSE)} } \keyword{file}