\name{exactTestNB} \alias{exactTestNB} \title{An exact test for differences between two negative binomial groups} \description{An exact test for differences between two negative binomial groups} \usage{ exactTestNB(y, g, mus, r, verbose=TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{y}{data (e.g. quantile adjusted pseudodata) to compute Fisher exact statistics on} \item{g}{group indicator, must be same length as nrow(y)} \item{mus}{vector of means under the null hypothesis (of no difference between groups)} \item{r}{preset or estimated negative binomial \code{size} parameter. If you want to run a Poisson test, set r very large (e.g. 1000)} \item{verbose}{whether to write comments, default \code{true}} } \value{ list with elements \code{lr} (likelihood ratio test), \code{r} (estimates of 1/overdispersion), \code{ps} (list containing proportion estimates)} \author{Mark Robinson} \examples{ y<-matrix(rnbinom(20,mu=10,size=1.5),nrow=5) group<-c(1,1,2,2) mus<-rep(10,5) f<-exactTestNB(y,group,mus,r=1.5) } \keyword{algebra}