\name{estimatePs} \alias{estimatePs} \title{Estimate expression proportions} \description{Estimate expression proportions (maximum likelihood with size fixed) based on negative binomial for each tag and sample group (only 2 groups implemented at this point)} \usage{ estimatePs(y1, y2, lib.size1, lib.size2, r, tol = 1e-10, maxit = 30) } \arguments{ \item{y1}{matrix of counts for first group} \item{y2}{matrix of counts for second group} \item{lib.size1}{vector of library sizes for first group} \item{lib.size2}{vector of library sizes for second group} \item{r}{size parameter of negative binomial} \item{tol}{tolerance between iterations} \item{maxit}{maximum number of iterations} } \value{ list with elements \code{p} (overall proportion), \code{p1} (estimates for first group), \code{p2} (estimates for second group)} \author{Mark Robinson} \examples{ y1<-matrix(rnbinom(10,size=1,mu=10),nrow=5) y2<-matrix(rnbinom(10,size=1,mu=5),nrow=5) ps<-estimatePs(y1,y2,c(1000,1001),c(1000,1001),r=1) } \keyword{file}