\name{readConFile} \alias{readConFile} \title{Reads in a constraint file.} \description{ This function reads in a contraints file into an object of class \code{constraintSet} or a list of such objects. } \usage{ readConFile(conFile, description="Constraints") } \arguments{ \item{conFile}{Path to the constraint file that is to be read in} \item{description}{Description of the constraint group that is to be created} } \details{ } \value{ An object of class \code{constraintSet} or a list of such objects that contains the constraint definitions found in the constraint file. } \author{ Fabian Gallusser, \email{fgallusser@berkeley.edu} } \seealso{ \code{\link[base]{constraintSet}}, \code{\link[base]{writeConFile}} } \examples{ conFile <- system.file("Exfiles","conFile",package="cosmo") cons <- readConFile(conFile) } \keyword{misc}