\name{makePosFreqCon} \alias{makePosFreqCon} \title{Constructing a nucleotide frequency constraint} \description{ This function constructs a \texttt{posFreqCon} object representing a constraint on the unknown position weight matrix that requires the frequency of a given nucleotide to be above a given lower bound, either at a single position in a given interval, or on average across the entire interval } \usage{ makePosFreqCon(pos, nuc, lower) } \arguments{ \item{pos}{This is either the string \code{avg}, indicating that the average nucleotide frequency across the interval is bounded from below, or a position in the interval, indicating the nucleotide frequency at that position in the interval is bounded from below.} \item{nuc}{\code{character} This is one of \code{A}, \code{C}, \code{G}, \code{T}, \code{GC}, \code{AT}.} \item{lower}{\code{numeric} the lower bound on the nucleotide frequency of interest} } \details{ } \value{ An object of class \texttt{posFreqCon}. } \author{ Fabian Gallusser, \email{fgallusser@berkeley.edu} } \seealso{ \code{\link{boundCon}}, \code{\link{shapeCon}}, \code{\link{subMotifCon}}, \code{\link{posFreqCon}}, \code{\link{shapeDiffCon}}, \code{\link{palCon}} } \examples{ pfc <- makePosFreqCon("avg","GC", 0.75) } \keyword{misc}