\name{write.tabdel} \alias{write.tabdel} \title{Wrapper to function 'write.table' used to write data to a tab-delimited file} \description{ Wrapper for the function \code{\link[base:write.table]{write.table}} to write data to a tab-delimited file. } \usage{ write.tabdel(\dots) } \arguments{ \item{...}{arguments that get passed on to the function \code{\link[base:write.table]{write.table}}.} } \details{A trivial function, which we have included for convenience.} \value{The name of the file that was written.} \seealso{\code{\link[base:write.table]{write.table}}} \author{Ligia Bras \email{ligia@ebi.ac.uk}} \examples{ data(KcViabSmall) x <- KcViabSmall ## determine the ratio between each well and the plate median xraw <- Data(x) y <- array(as.numeric(NA), dim=dim(xraw)) nrWell <- prod(pdim(x)) for(p in 1:max(plate(x))) { ind <- (1:nrWell)+nrWell*(p-1) samples <- (wellAnno(x)[ind]=="sample") y[ind, ,] <- apply(xraw[ind, , ,drop=FALSE], 2:3, function(w) w/median(w[samples], na.rm=TRUE)) } y <- signif(y, 4) out <- y[,,1] out <- cbind(geneAnno(x), wellAnno(x), out) colnames(out) <- c("GeneID", "wellAnno", sprintf("Well/Median_r\%d_ch\%d", rep(1:dim(y)[2], dim(y)[3]), rep(1:dim(y)[3], each=dim(y)[2]))) write.tabdel(out, file = tempfile()) } \keyword{manip}