\name{configurationAsScreenPlot} \alias{configurationAsScreenPlot} \title{Screen plot of the plate configuration of a cellHTS object} \description{Screen plot displaying the plate configuration of a \code{cellHTS} object.} \usage{ configurationAsScreenPlot(x, verbose=interactive(), posControls, negControls) } \arguments{ \item{x}{a configured \code{\linkS4class{cellHTS}} object (i.e. \code{state(x)['configured']} must be \code{TRUE}).} \item{verbose}{a logical value, if \code{TRUE}, the function reports some of its intermediate progress. The default is \code{\link[base:interactive]{interactive()}}.} \item{posControls}{a list or vector of regular expressions specifying the name of the positive controls. See details.} \item{negControls}{a vector of regular expressions specifying the name of the negative controls. See details.} } \details{ This function calls the function \code{\link[splots]{plotScreen}} to create a screen plot showing the plate configuration (as defined by the plate configuration file used to configure the \code{cellHTS} object -- see function \code{\link{configure}}) used for the RNAi experiment stored in \code{x}. \code{posControls} and \code{negControls} should be given as vectors of regular expression patterns specifying the name(s) of the positive(s) and negative(s) controls, respectivey, as provided in the plate configuration file (and acccessed via \code{wellAnno(x)}). By default, if \code{posControls} is not given, "pos" will be taken as the annotation name for the wells containing positive controls. Similarly, if \code{negControls} is missing, by default "neg" will be considered as the name used to annotate the negative controls. The content of \code{posControls} and \code{negControls} will be passed to \code{\link[base:regexpr]{regexpr}} for pattern matching within the well annotation given in column \code{controlStatus} of the \code{featureData} slot of the \code{cellHTS} object. } \value{ Invisibly, a vector with the color map used to display the well annotation in the image plot. } \seealso{ \code{\link[splots]{plotScreen}}, \code{\link[cellHTS2:writeReport]{writeReport}} } \references{ Boutros, M., Bras, L.P. and Huber, W. (2006) Analysis of cell-based RNAi screens, \emph{Genome Biology} \bold{7}, R66. } \author{Ligia Bras \email{ligia@ebi.ac.uk}} \examples{ data("KcViab") configurationAsScreenPlot(KcViab) }