\name{ROC-class} \docType{class} \alias{ROC-class} \alias{show,ROC-method} %\alias{plot,ROC-method} %\alias{plot,ROC,missing-method} %\alias{lines,ROC-method} \title{ Class that contain data that can be plotted as a ROC curve. } \description{ Container for data that represent a receiver-operator-characteristic curve, and that were generated from the data of the annotated positive and negative controls in a scored \code{\linkS4class{cellHTS}} object. } \section{Creating Objects}{ \code{new("ROC")} \S4method{ROC}{cellHTS}(object, positives, negatives) with \code{object} being an \code{\linkS4class{cellHTS}} instance. } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{name}:}{a character of length 1 with the name of the experiment from which the ROC object derives.} \item{\code{assayType}:}{a character of length 1 with the type of screenning assay. Possible values are: "one-way assay" and "two-way assay".} \item{\code{TP}:}{a vector of integers of length 1000.} \item{\code{FP}:}{a vector of integers of length 1000.} \item{\code{posNames}:}{a character vector with the name of the positive controls.} \item{\code{negNames}:}{a character vector with the name of the negative controls.} } } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ % \item{\code{[}}{Subset} \item{\code{show}}{Print a summary of the object.} \item{\code{plot}}{Plot the ROC curve corresponding to the object.} \item{\code{lines}}{Line plot of the ROC object.} } } \author{Ligia Bras \email{ligia@ebi.ac.uk}, Wolfgang Huber \email{huber@ebi.ac.uk}} \seealso{ \code{\link[cellHTS2:ROC]{ROC}} } \examples{ showClass("ROC") showMethods(class="ROC") \dontrun{ data(KcViabSmall) x <- normalizePlates(KcViabSmall, scale="multiplicative", log=FALSE, method="median", varianceAdjust="none") x <- scoreReplicates(x, sign="-", method="zscore") x <- summarizeReplicates(x, summary="mean") y <- ROC(x) plot(y) lines(y, col="green") show(y) } } \keyword{classes}