\name{setupVars.bgx} \alias{setupVars.bgx} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{Initialise variables needed to run BGX simulation.} \description{ This internal function initialises several variables, which it returns in a list. } \usage{ setupVars.bgx(data, samplesets, genes, genesToWatch, probeAff, probecat_threshold, rounding_dec_places = 1) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{data}{An \code{AffyBatch} object.} \item{samplesets}{A numeric vector specifying which condition each array belongs to. E.g. if samplesets=c(2,2), then the first two replicates belong to one condition and the last two replicates belong to another condition. If NULL, each array is assumed to belong to a different condition.} \item{genes}{A numeric vector specifying which genes to analyse. If NULL, all genes are analysed.} \item{genesToWatch}{A numeric vector specifying which genes to monitor closely amongst those chosen to be analysed (see below for details).} \item{probeAff}{Stratify the mean (lambda) for the cross-hybridisation parameter (H) by categories according to probe-level sequence information.} \item{probecat_threshold}{Minimum amount of probes per probe affinity category.} \item{rounding_dec_places}{The initial probe categorisation is done by rounding affinities to the nearest \code{rounding_dec_places} decimal places. 1 is a good value.} } \details{ } \value{ A list: \item{pm}{Perfect Match probes.} \item{mm}{MisMatch probes.} \item{samplesets}{A numeric vector specifying which condition each array belongs to. E.g. if samplesets=c(2,2), then the first two replicates belong to one condition and the last two replicates belong to another condition. If NULL, each array is assumed to belong to a different condition.} \item{probesets}{A numeric vector specifying how probes are grouped into probesets.} \item{numberOfCategories}{Number of probe affinity categories.} \item{categories}{A numeric vector specifying which category each probe belongs to.} \item{unknownProbeSeqs}{A numeric vector specifying which probes lack sequence information.} \item{numberOfUnknownProbeSeqs}{Number of probes lacking sequence information.} \item{genesToWatch}{A numeric vector specifying which genes to monitor closely.} \item{firstProbeInEachGeneToWatch}{The starting position for each probe in each gene to monitor closely.} \item{numArrays}{Number of arrays.} } \references{See \code{\link{bgx}}} \author{Ernest Turro} \note{ This function shouldn't be called directly. } \seealso{\code{\link{bgx}}} \examples{ } \keyword{internal}% at least one, from doc/KEYWORDS