\name{mcmc.bgx} \alias{mcmc.bgx} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{Internal wrapper function for calling the bgx C++ function.} \description{ This internal function calls the \code{bgx} method in a loaded bgx shared object (bgx.so/bgx.dll) } \usage{ mcmc.bgx(pm, mm, samplesets, probesets, numberCategories, categories, unknownProbeSeqs, numberOfUnknownProbeSeqs, numberGenesToWatch, whichGenesToWatch, whichProbesToWatch, iter, burnin, adaptive, batch_size=50, optimalAR=0.44, output, samplenames = "unknown", subsample = ifelse(iter > 1024, iter/1024, 1), seed = 192492, rundir) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{pm}{Perfect Match probes} \item{mm}{MisMatch probes} \item{samplesets}{A numeric vector specifying which condition each array belongs to. E.g. if samplesets=c(2,2), then the first two replicates belong to one condition and the last two replicates belong to another condition. If NULL, each array is assumed to belong to a different condition.} \item{probesets}{A numeric vector specifying how probes are grouped into probesets.} \item{numberCategories}{Number of probe affinity categories.} \item{categories}{A numeric vector specifying which category each probe belongs to.} \item{unknownProbeSeqs}{A numeric vector specifying which probes lack sequence information.} \item{numberOfUnknownProbeSeqs}{Number of probes lacking sequence information.} \item{numberGenesToWatch}{How many genes to monitor closely.} \item{whichGenesToWatch}{A numeric vector specifying which genes to monitor closely.} \item{whichProbesToWatch}{The starting position for each probe in each gene to monitor closely.} \item{iter}{Number of post burn-in iterations.} \item{burnin}{Number of burn-in iterations.} \item{adaptive}{Use adaptive MCMC for better mixing.} \item{batch_size}{Batch size for adaptive MCMC.} \item{optimalAR}{Optimal acceptance ratio.} \item{output}{One of "minimal", "trace", "diagnostic" or "mcse".} \item{samplenames}{Vector of names for each array.} \item{subsample}{Subsampling interval.} \item{seed}{Seed for PRNG.} \item{rundir}{The directory in which to place the output run directories.} } \details{ See \code{\link{bgx}} for more details. } \value{ The name of the output directory. } \author{Ernest Turro} \note{You shouldn't call this function directly, but if you do, make sure the appropriate shared object is loaded. } \seealso{\code{\link{bgx}}, \code{\link{standalone.bgx}}} \examples{ } \keyword{internal}% at least one, from doc/KEYWORDS