\name{analysis.bgx} \alias{analysis.bgx} \alias{plotExpressionDensity} \alias{plotDEDensity} \alias{plotDEHistogram} \alias{rankByDE} \alias{plotDiffRank} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{Analyse BGX output.} \description{ Functions for plotting expression densities, differential expression densities, histogram of proportion of differentially expressed genes, etc. } \usage{ plotExpressionDensity(bgxOutput, gene=NULL, normalize=c("none","mean","loess"),...) plotDEDensity(bgxOutput, gene=NULL, conditions=c(1,2), normalize=c("none","mean","loess"), normgenes=c(1:length(bgxOutput[["geneNames"]])), ...) plotDEHistogram(bgxOutput, conditions=c(1,2), normalize=c("none","mean","loess"), normgenes=c(1:length(bgxOutput[["geneNames"]])), df=floor(1.8 * log10(length(bgxOutput[["geneNames"]])))) rankByDE(bgxOutput, conditions=c(1,2),normalize=c("none", "mean", "loess"), normgenes=c(1:length(bgxOutput[["geneNames"]])), absolute=TRUE) plotDiffRank(bgxOutput, conditions=c(1,2),normalize=c("none", "mean", "loess"), normgenes=c(1:length(bgxOutput[["geneNames"]])), ymax=NULL) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{bgxOutput}{A list obtained from running \code{\link{readOutput.bgx}} on a BGX output directory.} \item{gene}{Which gene to analyse. This can either be an index or a name.} \item{conditions}{Indices of conditions to compare.} \item{normalize}{"none": do not normalise posterior distributions of mu. "mean": normalise by scaling posterior distributions of mu for conditions > 1 to have the same mean as the posterior distribution of mu for condition 1. "loess": same as "mean" but use loess normalisation.} \item{normgenes}{Which genes to use for loess normalisation. By default, use all genes.} \item{df}{Residual degrees of freedom. Decrease to 6 if the histogram fit goes haywire.} \item{absolute}{Rank genes by absolute differential expression.} \item{ymax}{Specify upper limit of y axis.} \item{...}{Parameters to pass to density function (where applicable).} } \details{ \code{plotExpressionDensity} plots gene expression distributions under various conditions for the specified gene. \code{plotDEDensity} plots the differential expression distribution between two conditions for a given gene. \code{plotDEHistogram} plots a histogram of differential expression between two conditions and estimates the number of up and down regulated differentially expressed genes. \code{rankByDE} ranks genes by differential expression and returns ordering and corresponding DE values in a matrix. \code{plotDiffRank} plots 2.5-97.5\% confidence intervals for ranked differential expression estimates. } \value{ None, except \code{plotDERank}, which returns a matrix of genes ranked by differential expression. } \author{Ernest Turro} \seealso{\code{\link{bgx}}, \code{\link{standalone.bgx}}, \code{\link{readOutput.bgx}}, \code{\link{plotExpressionDensity}}, \code{\link{plotDEDensity}}, \code{\link{plotDEHistogram}}} \examples{ } \keyword{IO}% at least one, from doc/KEYWORDS