\name{plotQC} \alias{plotQC} \title{ Spatial plots of array QC information } \description{ Plots array wide summary information using the layout of the physical medium } \usage{ plotQC(object, type) } \arguments{ \item{object}{ object that contains QC information. e.g. \code{QCIllumina-class} } \item{type}{\code{character}, the type of information to plot, currently the following types are supported: \code{"intensityMed","greenMed","redMed", "validn","annotation" and "samples"} } } \value{ The function is used for its side effects } \author{Jan Oosting} \seealso{\code{\link{pdfQC}}, \code{\link{reportSamplePanelQC}}} \examples{ data(QC.260) plotQC(QC.260,"greenMed") } \keyword{hplot}