\name{interactiveCNselect} \alias{interactiveCNselect} \title{ Interactive assignment of copynumbers to genomic segments} \description{ This function plots the genomic view of a sample, and allows the assignment of a discrete copy number to each segment } \usage{ interactiveCNselect(object, sample = 1, dnaIndex) } \arguments{ \item{object}{class \code{SnpSetIllumina} after segmentation} \item{sample}{Sample identifier within \code{object}} \item{dnaIndex}{numeric, measured DNA index of the sample (1=normal)} } \details{ The user can interactively assign discrete, integer copy number values to each segment. This is done by either clicking in the lower part of a panel to decrease the copy number, or in the higher part of a panel to increase the copy number. The order of copy number values is always maintained; a segment with a lower raw value can not get a higher copy number assigned then a segment with a higher raw copy number value. } \value{ list, see \code{\link{createCNSummary}} } \author{Jan Oosting} \seealso{ \code{\link{segmentate}, \link{alterCN}, \link{plotGoldenGate4OPA} \link{createCNSummary}} } \keyword{manip} \keyword{iplot}