\name{calculateLOH} \alias{calculateLOH} \alias{calculateLair} \title{Determine LOH in experiment} \description{ Using pairings of normal and tumor samples the LOH pattern is determined } \usage{ calculateLOH(object, grouping, NorTum = "NorTum", ...) calculateLair(object, grouping = NULL, NorTum = "NorTum", min.intensity = NULL, use.homozygous.avg = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{object}{SnpSetIllumina object} \item{grouping}{Factor to show which samples belong together (are of the same individual)} \item{NorTum}{character vector or factor. Elements containing "N" are considered to be the normal sample} \item{min.intensity}{numeric} \item{use.homozygous.avg}{logical} \item{\dots}{extra arguments for \code{link{heterozygousSNPs}}} } \details{ ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~ } \value{ For calculateLOH a SnpSetIllumina object with \code{loh} and \code{nor.gt} matrices in assayData. \code{loh} is a logical matrix, and \code{nor.gt} is a character matrix containing the genotypes of the corresponding normal sample For calculateLair a SnpSetIllumina object with \code{lair} matrix in assayData. lair is the lesser allele intensity ratio. If a corresponding normal sample is found, it is taken as reference. Else the genotypes of normal samples are taken as a reference } \author{Jan Oosting} \seealso{\code{\link{SnpSetIllumina-class}}} \keyword{manip}