\name{backgroundCorrect.SNP} \alias{backgroundCorrect.SNP} \concept{SnpSetIllumina} \title{Background correction} \description{ Perform background correction on Illumina Golden Gate bead arrays } \usage{ backgroundCorrect.SNP(object,method=c("none", "subtract", "half", "minimum", "edwards", "normexp", "rma"),offset = 0) } \arguments{ \item{object}{SnpSetIllumina object} \item{method}{character, method of correction} \item{offset}{numeric, constant to add after correction} } \details{ Code has been ported from the \code{limma} package. The matrices \code{Gb} and \code{Rb} should be available in the \code{arrayData} slot of the object. } \value{ This function returns an \code{SnpSetIllumina} object with background corrected values in the \code{G} and \code{R}. } \author{Jan Oosting, based on \code{limma} package by G. Smyth} \seealso{ \code{\link{SnpSetIllumina-class}}, \code{\link[limma]{backgroundCorrect}}, \code{\link{backgroundEstimate}}, \code{\link{normalizeBetweenAlleles.SNP}}, \code{\link{normalizeWithinArrays.SNP}} } \examples{ \dontrun{data.bg<-backgroundCorrect.SNP(data.raw,"subtract")} } \keyword{manip}