\name{QCaccessors} \alias{arrayType} \alias{arrayType<-} \alias{arrayID} \alias{arrayID<-} \title{Accessor methods for QC objects} \description{ These generic functions set and retrieve properties of quality control objects like \code{\link{QCIllumina-class}} } \usage{ arrayType(object) arrayType(object)<- value arrayID(object) arrayID(object)<- value } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{object}{Object, possibly derived from class \code{\link{QCIllumina-class}}.} \item{value}{} } \details{ Currently the following types of arrays are supported "Sentrix96": Sentrix array, 12 columns, 8 rows "Sentrix16": Sentrix array, 2 columns, 8 rows "Slide12" : Slide with 12 samples } \value{ \code{arrayType} and \code{arrayID} return a \code{character} value } \author{Jan Oosting} \keyword{ manip }