\name{alterCN} \alias{alterCN} \title{ alterCN } \description{ Changes one of the levels of a cn.sum data structure } \usage{ alterCN(cn.sum, opa, value, updown) } \arguments{ \item{cn.sum}{cn.sum structure to change} \item{opa}{opa panel within the structure} \item{value}{the predicted value to change} \item{updown}{the value has a higher (TRUE) or lower (FALSE) cn value} } \details{ The state in the cn.sum structure that has a predicted value of \code{value} will have it's associated associated inferred copy number increased ( \code{updown} is \code{TRUE}) or decreased (\code{updown} is \code{FALSE}). The function makes sure that the copynumber values within a OPA panel have the same order as the predicted values. } \value{ a new cn.sum data structure } \author{Jan Oosting} \seealso{ \link{interactiveCNselect}, \link{createCNSummary}, \link{setRealCN} } \keyword{manip}