\name{copynumberConversion} \alias{convert2aCGH} \alias{convert2SegList} \concept{SnpSetIllumina} \title{Conversion to Copynumber analysis objects} \description{ SnpSetIllumina objects are converted to other objects for numerical analysis } \usage{ convert2aCGH(object,normalizedTo=2,doLog=TRUE,organism="hsa") convert2SegList(object,normalizedTo=2,doLog=TRUE,organism="hsa") } \arguments{ \item{object}{SnpSetIllumina object} \item{normalizedTo}{numeric, 'normal' copynumber datavalue for object} \item{doLog}{logical, perform logarithmic transformation (log2)} \item{organism}{character, organism used in object. Currently 'hsa' and 'mmu' are recognized. Used to convert sex chromosomes to their proper numerical representation} } \details{ These functions produce objects that can be used by the analysis functions in the aCGH or snapCGH packages. The SnpSetIllumina intensity values are stored in a linear scale. Both types of objects assume a logarithmic scale, so by default the values are transformed to a log2 scale centered around 0. } \value{ \code{convert2aCGH} returns a \code{aCGH} object as used in the aCGH package. \code{convert2SegList} returns a \code{SegList} object as used in the snapCGH package. } \author{Jan Oosting} \seealso{ \code{\link{SnpSetIllumina-class}}, \code{\link[aCGH:aCGH]{aCGH-class}}, \code{\link[snapCGH:SegList]{SegList-class}} } \keyword{manip}