\name{BeadstudioQC} \alias{BeadstudioQC} \alias{pdfBeadstudioQC} \title{Quality control of Beadstudio report files} \description{ When data has been imported using a Beadstudio samplesheet and reportfile, these functions can be used to generate quality measures } \usage{ BeadstudioQC(object, QClist = list(), arrayType = "Sentrix96") pdfBeadstudioQC(QClist, basename = "beadstudio", by = 10) } \arguments{ \item{object}{\code{SnpSetIllumina} object.} \item{QClist}{list, result of previous call to \code{BeadstudioQC}} \item{arrayType}{character, type of array} \item{basename}{character, prefix for PDF files. This name will be added before the Barcode of the chip} \item{by}{integer, number of samples in barplot, see \code{\link{reportSamplePanelQC}}} } \value{ The \code{BeadstudioQC} function generates a list of \code{\link{QCIllumina}} objects The \code{pdfBeadstudioQC} function generates a pdf-file for each \code{QCIllumina} object in the list } \author{J. Oosting} \seealso{\code{\link{pdfQC}},\code{\link{calculateQCarray}}} \keyword{manip} \keyword{hplot}