\name{findAllOutliers} \alias{findAllOutliers} %\alias{findAllOutliers-methods} \title{Find outliers on a given strip/array} \description{ Function to find all beads which are outliers for their particular bead type on a given strip/array using Illumina's standard outlier detection method. } \usage{ findAllOutliers(BLData, array, log=FALSE, n=3, what="G", usewts=FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{BLData}{\code{BeadLevelList}} \item{array}{integer specifying which strip/array we want to find outliers on} \item{log}{if TRUE the intensities will be calculated on the log2 scale. Otherwise un-logged data is used.} \item{n}{numeric value defining a cut-off for the number of median absolute deviations (MADs) from the median to use for determining outliers. The default value is 3.} \item{what}{character string specifying which intensities to use. See \code{\link{getArrayData}} for a list of possibilities.} \item{usewts}{if TRUE, then beads with weights below 1 will be discarded prior to analysis.} } \details{ We find the outliers for each bead type on the array in turn using the \code{\link{findBeadStatus}} function and store the indices of the outliers found. By default, outliers for a particular bead type are determined using a 3 MAD cut-off from the median. } \value{ numeric vector giving the row indices of \code{BLData} (in the range 1 to total number of beads on the array) of all beads that are outliers for their bead type. } \author{Mark Dunning} \seealso{\code{\link{findBeadStatus}}} \examples{ data(BLData) # how many outliers are there on the original scale? length(findAllOutliers(BLData, 1)) # how many outliers are there on the log2-scale? length(findAllOutliers(BLData, 1, log=TRUE)) # # how many outliers are there using a 4 MAD # cut-off from the median? length(findAllOutliers(BLData, 1, n=4)) } \keyword{methods}