\name{calculateDetection} \alias{calculateDetection} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{Calculate detection scores } \description{ Function to calculate detection scores for summarized data if they are not available. } \usage{ calculateDetection(BSData) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{BSData}{An ExpressionSetIllumina object} } \details{ The function implements Illumina's method for calculating the detection scores for all bead types on a given array. Within an array, Illumina discard negative control bead-types whose summary values are more than three MADs from the median for the negative controls. Illumina then rank the summarized intensity for each other bead-type against the summarized values for the remaining negative control bead-types and calculate a detection p-value 1-R/N, where R is the relative rank of the bead intensity when compared to the $N$ remaining negative controls. Thus, if a particular bead has higher intensity than all the negative controls it will be assigned a value of 0. This calculation is repeated for all arrays stored in the BSData object. } \value{ A modified version of BSData is returned with the detection slot filled with the newly created scores. } \author{Mark Dunning and Andy Lynch}