\name{boxplotBeads} \alias{boxplotBeads} \title{Box plot of bead intensities} \description{ Function to produce box plots of the bead intensities from selected strips/arrays from a \code{BeadLevelList} object. } \usage{ boxplotBeads(BLData, whatToPlot = "G", arrays = NULL, log = TRUE, varwidth = TRUE, method = "illumina", n = 3, trim = 0.05, ...) } \arguments{ \item{BLData}{\code{BeadLevelList}} \item{whatToPlot}{character string specifying which intensities to plot. See \code{getArrayData} for a list of the possibilities.} \item{arrays}{integer (scalar or vector) specifying the strips/arrays to plot. If \code{NULL}, all the strips/arrays are plotted.} \item{log}{if TRUE log2 intensities are plotted} \item{varwidth}{logical, indicating whether box widths should be proportional to the number of values in each box plot} \item{method}{character string specifying the summarisation method to use (only applicable when \code{whatToPlot="residG"}, \code{"residR"} or \code{"residM"}). Refer to help \code{createBeadSummaryData} help page for further information.} \item{n}{numeric value defining a cut-off for the number of median absolute deviations (MADs) from the median to use for determining outliers. The default value is 3. Only applicable when \code{whatToPlot="residG"}, \code{"residR"} or \code{"residM"} and \code{method="illumina"}. Refer to help \code{createBeadSummaryData} help page for further information.} \item{trim}{fraction of intensities to remove from the bead summary calculations. Only applicable when \code{whatToPlot="residG"}, \code{"residR"} or \code{"residM"}. Refer to \code{createBeadSummaryData} help page for further information.} \item{\dots}{further graphical parameters to the \code{boxplot} function from the graphics package} } \details{ Produces box plots of the specified intensities for selected strips/arrays. } \value{ A plot is produced on the current graphical device } \author{Matt Ritchie} \examples{ data(BLData) boxplotBeads(BLData) } \keyword{hplot}