\name{backgroundControlPlot} \alias{backgroundControlPlot} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{QA measures based on bead-level negative controls} \description{ Function for plotting the bead-level intensities for all the negative controls that are placed on an array. Typically there are around a thousand of these controls, each replicated 30 times. The sequences used for these controls should not target any part of the genome and therefore we should not observe any signal. } \usage{ backgroundControlPlot(BLData, array = 1, plot = FALSE) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{BLData}{A BeadLevelList for an Illumina expression chip} \item{array}{The number of the array in BLData that we want QA of.} \item{plot}{if TRUE a diagnostic plot will be produced} } \details{ For QA, we report the mean and variance of all negative controls (of all bead-types) after first removing outiers using a 3 MAD cut-off. To retrieve the IDs of the negative controls, we make use of the annotation slot stored with the BeadLevelList object. It is therefore important that this information is accurate. A plot of all negative control bead-types can also be produced, where each bead-type is represented by a vertical line covering the inter-quartile range and ordered according to mean intensity. Too many high intensity values for the negatives could indicate a poor quality array. } \value{ The function returns the mean (AveNeg) and variance (VarNeg) of all negative control beads and a diagnositc plot if requested. } \author{Mark Dunning and Andy Lynch} \seealso{\code{\link{calculateBeadLevelScores}}}