\name{PRvQCHyb} \alias{PRvQCHyb} \title{Print run Quality version Quality Control Hybridization} \description{ Qualitative diagnostic plots looking at print-run quality. This component examine the QC hybridizations. } \usage{ PRvQCHyb(fnames, path=".", dev = "png", DEBUG=FALSE, prargs=NULL, samepr=TRUE, prname="xMm", save = TRUE, col,...) } \arguments{ \item{fnames}{A "character" string naming the input files.} \item{path}{a character string representing the data directory. By default this is set to the current working directory (".").} \item{dev}{A "character" string naming the graphics device. This will take arguments "png", "jpeg" and "ps" only.} \item{DEBUG}{If 'TRUE', debug statements are printed.} \item{prargs}{A list with 4 components: Block, Row, Column and ncolumns. See Details for more information.} \item{samepr}{If 'TRUE', we assume everything in the directory are from the same print-run.} \item{prname}{A "character" string giving the name of the print-run.} \item{save}{If `TRUE', the figures will be saved to files.} \item{col}{color code for different control samples.} \item{\dots}{additional arguments.} } \details{ The argument "prargs" is used to calculate the layout information about a print-run. Components Block, Row and Columns denote the column names from the input data representing the print-tip location. The component "ncolumns" is an integer representing the number of print-tip columns in the data. If the arguement is set to NULL, the the following default will be used. list(Block="Block", Row="Row", Column="Column", ncolumns=4) } \value{ Files of diagnostic plots. } \author{Jean Yee Hwa Yang} \examples{ datadir <- system.file("gprQCData", package="arrayQuality") if (interactive()) PRvQCHyb(fnames="9Mm137.gpr", path=datadir, prname="9Mm") } \keyword{hplot}% at least one, from doc/KEYWORDS