\name{compactList} \alias{compactList} \title{Concatenate list elements} \description{ Concatenates given elements of a list. } \usage{ compactList(lst,l) } \arguments{ \item{lst}{list object} \item{l}{numeric vector specifying the number of list elements to be concatenated sequentially} } \details{ By definition, the output list is shorter than the input list. Function stops if 'sum(l)' does not equal 'lenght(lst)'. } \value{ \item{clst}{list of length 'length(l)' where the 'i'-th element has length 'l[i]' and contains concatenated elements of input list 'lst'.} } \references{} \author{Alexandre Kuhn, \email{alexandre.kuhn@isb-sib.ch}} \examples{ ##an example list lst<-vector('list',3) lst[[1]]<-c('aaa','bbb') lst[[2]]<-'ccc' lst[[3]]<-'zzz' ##merge first 2 list elements compactList(lst,c(2,1)) } \keyword{manip}