\name{usedChromGenes} \alias{usedChromGenes} \title{A function to select used genes on a chromosome from an ExpressionSet.} \description{ Given an instance of an \code{ExpressionSet}, a \code{chromLocation} object and the name of a chromosome this function returns all genes represented in the \code{ExpressionSet} on the specified chromosome. } \usage{ usedChromGenes(eSet, chrom, specChrom) } \arguments{ \item{eSet}{An instance of an \code{ExpressionSet} object.} \item{chrom}{The name of the chromosome of interest.} \item{specChrom}{An instance of a \code{chromLocation} object.} } \value{ Returns a vector of gene names that represent the genes from the \code{ExpressionSet} that are on the specified chromosome. } \author{ Jeff Gentry} \examples{ data(sample.ExpressionSet) data(hgu95AProbLocs) usedChromGenes(sample.ExpressionSet, "1", hgu95AProbLocs) } \keyword{interface}