\name{readGEOAnn} \alias{readGEOAnn} \alias{readIDNAcc} \alias{getGPLNames} \alias{getSAGEFileInfo} \alias{getSAGEGPL} \alias{readUrl} \title{Function to extract data from the GEO web site} \description{ Data files that are available at GEO web site are identified by GEO accession numbers. Given the url for the CGI script at GEO and a GEO accession number, the functions extract data from the web site and returns a matrix containing the data. } \usage{ readGEOAnn(GEOAccNum, url = "http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?") readIDNAcc(GEOAccNum, url = "http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?") getGPLNames(url ="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/browse.cgi?") getSAGEFileInfo(url = "http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/browse.cgi?view=platforms&prtype=SAGE&dtype=SAGE") getSAGEGPL(organism = "Homo sapiens", enzyme = c("NlaIII", "Sau3A")) readUrl(url) } \arguments{ \item{url}{\code{url} the url for the CGI script at GEO} \item{GEOAccNum}{\code{GEOAccNum} a character string for the GEO accession number of a desired file (e. g. GPL97)} \item{organism}{\code{organism} a character string for the name of the organism of interests} \item{enzyme}{\code{enzyme} a character string that can be eighter NlaII or Sau3A for the enzyme used to create SAGE tags} } \details{ \code{url} is the CGI script that processes user's request. \code{\link{readGEOAnn}} invokes the CGI by passing a GEO accession number and then processes the data file obtained. \code{\link{readIDNAcc}} calls \code{\link{readGEOAnn}} to read the data and the extracts the columns for probe ids and accession numbers. The \code{GEOAccNum} has to be the id for an Affymetrix chip. \code{\link{getGPLNames}} parses the html file that lists GEO accession numbers and descriptions of the array represented by the corresponding GEO accession numbers. } \value{ Both \code{\link{readGEOAnn}} and \code{\link{readIDNAcc}} return a matrix. \code{\link{getGPLNames}} returns a named vector of the names of commercial arrays. The names of the vector are the corresponding GEO accession number. } \references{\url{www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo}} \author{Jianhua Zhang} \examples{ # Get array names and GEO accession numbers #geoAccNums <- getGPLNames() # Read the annotation data file for HG-U133A which is GPL96 based on # examining geoAccNums #temp <- readGEOAnn(GEOAccNum = "GPL96") #temp2 <- readIDNAcc(GEOAccNum = "GPL96") } \keyword{manip}